1./ 你在哪裡工作?你做什麼?
[下午 07:34:03] jamesusing: =============================
[下午 07:34:35] jamesusing: (今天做問答題)
[下午 07:35:04] jamesusing: (先翻譯, 等一下再回答)
[下午 07:36:11] elon822: Where do you work? What do you do?
[下午 07:36:13] civy: Where do you work? What do you do?
[下午 07:36:29] jamesusing:
1./ 你在哪裡工作?你做什麼?
---1./ Where do you work?  What do you do ?
[下午 07:36:31] namigoken: Where do you work? What do you do?
[下午 07:36:32] jamesusing: ==================================
[下午 07:36:58] jamesusing: 請回答.
[下午 07:39:03] *** 通話結束,通話時間為 07:08 ***
[下午 07:39:06] *** 多方通話 ***
[下午 07:40:22] civy: I work in a beverage store in Hualien.
[下午 07:40:39 | 已編輯 下午 07:43:29] namigoken: I work in Shin Kong Life Insurance.,Ltd in Taichung. I do insurance.
[下午 07:41:14] Ying: I work at home. I am a housewife.
[下午 07:41:50] jamesusing: 2./ I work at home. I teach commercial English through internet, and I do stock investment to earn some money also.Sometimes, I teach people to do investment to earn money.
[下午 07:41:50 | 已編輯 下午 07:43:51] elon822: I work in a cooler company in TA-LI industry. I am international trade assistant.
[下午 07:41:53] jamesusing: ===============================
[下午 07:43:20] jamesusing: civy -------what do you mean beverage store ? can you explain?
[下午 07:44:00] jamesusing: namigo ------------do insurance ? ..how do you do that ?
[下午 07:44:44] jamesusing: Ying-----do you make money ? do you have your own plan?
[下午 07:45:34] jamesusing: elon -------assistant ?..is that work heavy load? or very easy?
[下午 07:46:14] civy: It is my own store something like tea shop. Our best selling  is iced black tea. Wanna try?? I can send to you.
[下午 07:49:50 | 已編輯 下午 07:49:57] elon822: I do not think my work is heavy load or easy.  I feel happy I can learn much trading experience from my work.
[下午 07:49:59] jamesusing: civy -----can i ask you some questions but it would be a little against manner?
[下午 07:50:11 | 已編輯 下午 07:52:52] O'Bear Wang: I work in a machine company which is in Taichung . most time i do design in company other time i do staffer
[下午 07:50:14] Monkeyisanimal: 老師請加我...3Q
[下午 07:50:34] jamesusing: elon ----...............is heavy load nor easy .
[下午 07:51:33 | 已編輯 下午 07:51:46] elon822: 老師,我的意思是,我不會去想工作是輕鬆或是沈重, 可以這樣回答嗎??
[下午 07:51:57] jamesusing: elon -----------Are you satisfied with your pay? ...do you have a plan for your future in your mind?
[下午 07:52:06] civy: Would you mind posting question first then let me think for a while.
[下午 07:52:45] Ying: yes,I make my pocket money from stock market .My own plan  is saving money and learning English well.So..James is important to me.
[下午 07:53:00] jamesusing: obear ---------most of the time , ..............
[下午 07:53:29] jamesusing: obear -------------staffer ? ...
[下午 07:53:53] jamesusing: [下午 07:36] jamesusing:

<<< 1./ 你在哪裡工作?你做什麼?
---1./ Where do you work?  What do you do ?
[下午 07:53:56] jamesusing: =================================
[下午 07:54:39] jamesusing: elon -----------我不認為.....我不會去想( i do not waste my time to think ....)
[下午 07:57:00] jamesusing: civy------how many cups of iced black tea do you sell?.....and does this business help you  to make much money ? for example over 50 k per month? net profit.
[下午 07:59:04] jamesusing: ying---------------who is james ?can you describe him? i am interested .
[下午 08:01:09] namigoken: Find out people's gap of insurance, then I suggest and assist them to enhance their protection.
[下午 08:01:43 | 已編輯 下午 08:02:06] O'Bear Wang: staffer...without design,i also do business with customer, or discuss with engineer about machine,sometime i do a driver, anyway i do many work in company~
[下午 08:02:44] jamesusing: protection ?保障.
[下午 08:02:46] namigoken: 字典 gap有缺口的意思
[下午 08:02:56] namigoken: 所以可以用gap嗎?
[下午 08:02:58] namigoken: 好
[下午 08:03:33] elon822: I do not care my pay.
Because I have no experience in international trading before this job.
In this field, there are many many things that I have to learn.
I hope one day I can be a sales representative.
But it takes much long time to me.
[下午 08:03:53] Monkeyisanimal: I work in Taichung. The company is near to my home. Every day,I spend only 10 minutes to this company. This comapny mainly produce hand tools. I am a sales representive.
[下午 08:04:00] jamesusing: namigo -----------how do you find people ?  how do you make them trust you ?
[下午 08:04:57] jamesusing: without design ..................when i have no work about design..
[下午 08:05:45] jamesusing: obear --------sometimes, i do many kinds of works in company ..
[下午 08:06:54] jamesusing: obear --------------do you think yourself very important person in the company?  how do you make people listen to your leading ( instruction) ?
[下午 08:06:56] Ying: James is my English teacher.He is 28 years old every year....he also teaches me lots of stock investment knowledge.
[下午 08:09:00] jamesusing: elon ---------------besides, English ability, what quality do you think a sales rep . must equip himself with?
[下午 08:09:33 | 已編輯 下午 08:11:40] namigoken: Company provides us individual service region. I have to service my customers who are in that area. Provide professional knowledge and service to make people trust me.
[下午 08:11:12] jamesusing: monkey------------------how much do you like this work? ..do you have plan for advanced growth for yourself?....do you think this work interesting ?
[下午 08:12:59] jamesusing: ying-----------------you seem to rather believe james. why do you believe him ?
[下午 08:13:18] civy: The detailed cups I am not sure because there are some for public business. I can't make a great fortune so that's why I'm here.
[下午 08:16:58] jamesusing: namigo -----------------what else work have you ever experienced ? do you think this work interest you ?....do you suggest your sister to do this job in the future?
[下午 08:19:46] O'Bear Wang: do you think yourself very important person in the company?
how do you make people listen to your leading ( instruction) ?
2.I teach them how to install and anwser their question about install,point is make them know you can help them to work better and faster and easy
[下午 08:20:22] civy: Great
[下午 08:20:26] civy: Come on
[下午 08:22:05] jamesusing: civy------------i am not asling you detailed cups . i am just interested in it . and ................public business ? .......what public business do you have to do ? ........you must have made some unnecessary friends...am i RIGHT ?
[下午 08:22:13] namigoken: I  have ever done international trading person. This work always interests me. I encourage my sister to do this  job if she is interested in it.
[下午 08:22:29] Ying: I like to study English from James .It's  clear and easy to understand....since  I  know  him  ,my pocket money is getting more.
[下午 08:24:28] jamesusing: OBEAR -------------and i answer their questions about installment
[下午 08:25:21] jamesusing: obear ---------------the point is , to make them know how you can help them to work better fand faster and easier
[下午 08:26:40] jamesusing: obear----------besides your work , what do you do during your leisure time ?....why do you like it ?
[下午 08:27:56] civy: Thanks god that I don't have to tell you the true number of the cups. On this stage, I try to expand my business not just only sell drinks so I have to visit some friends.
[下午 08:28:42 | 已編輯 下午 08:28:53] namigoken: international trading job
[下午 08:29:36] jamesusing: namigo ----------that or this ?
[下午 08:29:41] namigoken: that
[下午 08:31:22] jamesusing: [下午 07:34] jamesusing:

<<< 1./ 你在哪裡工作?你做什麼?
[下午 08:31:25] jamesusing: ==========================\
[下午 08:33:09 | 已編輯 下午 08:36:16] O'Bear Wang: [下午 08:26] jamesusing:

<<< besides your work , what do you do during your leisure time ?....why do you like it ?When i leisure, i watch anime (don't ask where i get it :D) or paly video game with my friend.  ....welcome to otaku's world !
[下午 08:33:45 | 已編輯 下午 09:01:00] elon822: I think a sales rep. must equip professional knowledge in company's product, international trading knowledge,
sharp insight (敏銳的洞察力), good communication and negotiation skill, high emotional intelligence(EQ) and to understand international history and geography. 
[下午 08:34:13] jamesusing: namigo--------------what does insurance work interest you ?...do you have to learn a lot commercial knowledge?......have you achieved something that you want to tell us which made you very happy or proud?
[下午 08:34:26] 依婷: I work in a trading company in Taicung. I am an international trading assitant.
[下午 08:40:21] civy: 我回這句有幽默意思
[下午 08:42:20] civy: (:|
[下午 08:42:34] O'Bear Wang: [下午 08:19] O'Bear Wang:

<<< how do you make people listen to your leading ( instruction) ?sometime i do conversation between my boss and engineer
most time they fear to talk with my boss =.=
[下午 08:44:52] jamesusing: civy -------------besides selling drinks , what ele do you plan to sell ? or to do ? ....you must have some plans in your mind ...right ? do you need our help ? or sugggestion ?
[下午 08:45:47] elon822: 頭好痛,根本沒時間欣賞別人的句子
[下午 08:45:53] jamesusing: 08:33
[下午 08:45:55] O'Bear Wang: GGWP->jamesusing
[下午 08:48:50] elon822: 老師plate, metal sheet, panel 都可以叫作鈑金嗎??
[下午 08:51:21] 依婷: Jenny
[下午 08:53:02] jamesusing: jenny -------------what does your company manufacture? ...what part does this work interest you most ?....does your school knowledge help you anything in your work?
[下午 08:53:48] jamesusing: obear ------------during my leisure time ,
[下午 08:56:13] jamesusing: Anime是由Animation縮寫而來,意思就是指「動畫、卡通」。 不過由於這個字似乎是日本人發明
[下午 08:58:00] jamesusing: [ˋɛnəm]
[下午 08:58:03] jamesusing: =====================================
[下午 08:59:45] Monkeyisanimal: As you know, I still don't like my current job. But, I can't totally demy that I actually get a little accomplishment when I successfully develop new customers. From this job, I also know many friends and learn many many things. This work is interesting and boring. The interesting thing is that you are like a psychiatrist to "study" your patients' situation and give them suitable "solution." Sometimes, they "revolt" against my solution. I must think any way to persuade. During persuation process, I am interested in their reaction. However, evey day, this action is repeatedly operated. It is very boring, too. From my current work, I seem to not have any progress space. So, I have been keeping learning from James to hope to find my next step.
[下午 09:04:24] jamesusing: 08:48
[下午 09:06:04] civy: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[下午 09:09:55] jamesusing: 1.反叛;起義;造反
[下午 09:12:34 | 已移除 下午 09:15:19] elon822: 這則訊息已經被移除。
[下午 09:12:49 | 已編輯 下午 09:13:12] 依婷: Our company manufactures cosmetic plastic case. I can learn more knowledge about business. I think that my school knowledge is not helpful in my work at all.
[下午 09:13:45] jamesusing: ??????????????????/
[下午 09:14:51] jamesusing: book store where ......
[下午 09:17:05] civy: So Please don'txxxxxxx..
[下午 09:17:48] civy: :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^)
[下午 09:25:32] civy: xxxxx
[下午 09:25:33] civy: 哈哈
[下午 09:25:58] civy: (devil)
[下午 09:27:13] jamesusing: ======================================
[下午 09:28:58] civy: Great! I like it.
[下午 09:29:04] Monkeyisanimal: 我覺得不錯..至少我發現....我可以寫作文..哈哈 而且分享別人經驗 很好
[下午 09:31:31] jamesusing: GGWP=遊戲術語
GG=Good Game 稱讚敵人打了一場好遊戲  後來被引申為 "承認自己輸了並且稱讚敵人"
WP是歐洲人口語化加上去的 無意義
[下午 09:30:43] O'Bear Wang: =========分隔線=========

後來有一些小屁孩 拿著個詞來嘲諷敵人
屁孩表示:你GG瞜~ (給予致命一擊
[下午 09:31:33] jamesusing: ================================
[下午 09:32:18] civy: 100
[下午 09:32:18] elon822: 90
[下午 09:32:22] 依婷: 95
[下午 09:32:42] Monkeyisanimal: 90
[下午 09:32:51] civy: 謝謝老師 !
[下午 09:33:02] jamesusing: jamesusing@hotmail.com


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